WHO godkendt 15 min. COVID-19 hurtigtest
WHO godkendt 15 min. COVID-19 hurtigtest
Leymus Genomics kan nu tilbyde den WHO certificerede COVID-19 antigen test fra SD-Biosensor og Roche.
Der er udviklet en ny type hurtigtest for COVID-19, en antigen test
Fordelene ved testen er at den giver et svar på 15 min og den giver et resultat man kan stole på.
Med en antigen test kan man hurtigt få en indikation på om en person smitter eller ej. Testen detektere virus op til 7 dage før og 7 dage efter de første symptomer *.
Der har været en række 15 min test af svingende kvalitet på markedet, Leymus Genomics har testen fra SD-Biosensor på lager, det er en af de eneste hurtigtest der er godkendt og anbefalet af WHO, med en specificitet på 99,68% og en sensitivitet på 96,52%.
* Nature, September 2020

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Corona test mulighed for alle firmaer I Danmark
Certificeret on-site Corona-test for alle firmaer i Danmark
Certificeret on-site Corona-test for alle firmaer i Danmark
Covid-19 / SARS-CoV-2 tests
Leymus Genomics har indgået samarbejde med førende leverandører af Covid-19 tests og Covid-19 test analyser. Det gælder både Antigen Quick tests og PCR tests. Svar indenfor 15 minutter med Quick test eller indenfor 3 timer med PCR test.
Vores autoriserede sygeplejersker sørger for at tests foretages helt korrekt og efter de nyeste standarder, for at opnå den største sikkerhed.
Prøvetagning foretages on-site hos private virksomheder og offentlige institutioner. Minimum 25 prøver af gangen.
Danske molekylærbiologer fra Leymus Genomics sikrer at alle processer lever op til den højeste standard, og vi holder os hele tiden opdateret omkring den nyeste viden på området.
Vejl. Pris pr. test 390,- DKK
Succesfuld Coronavirustest af 400 DHL medarbejdere
Stor test af medarbejdere hos DHL for Coronavirus
Succes med test af 400 medarbejdere hos DHL for Coronavirus
Coronavirus/COVID-19 testning i organisationer eller i forbindelse med begivenheder i Danmark kan sikre, at alle fremover kan komme på arbejde eller at man genskaber en sikker arbejdsplads. Formålet med testningen kan være præventiv eller den kan bruges til at finde frem til eventuelle medarbejdere i en virksomhed, der måtte havde pådraget sig Coronavirusen. Vi er glade for i Leymus Genomics at havde hjulpet organisationer i Danmark med at genskabe en sikker arbejdsplads og sikre at coronavirusen ikke etableres bredt i det danske samfund. Vi har senest testet 400 medarbejdere hos DHL for Coronavirus. Fra vores samarbejdspartnere i bl.a Tyskland og sundhedsmyndighederne, ved vi, at i netop transportvirksomheder, slagterier, produktionslinier, service virksomheder og plejehjem er der en særlig høj risiko for smitte. På plejehjem har vi i tillæg den mest sårbare samfundsgruppe og derfor et særligt ansvar for at passe på. Har man mistanke om smitte eller vil man lave en præventiv coronatest. som en række førende virksomheder allerede har etableret, står vi og vores tilknyttede sygeplejersketeam til rådighed.
København d. 11/8-2020
Rasmus Brøndum
CEO, Leymus Genomics
“Here at DHL we put Safety First!Therefore and as a proactive measure, during the Corona epidemic, we chose to have all employees at DHL Aviation in Copenhagen Airport screened for COVID-19. The reason was that we wanted to ensure that our Hub continues to provide a safe working environment for all and we want to protect our customers too.
We chose Leymus Genomics as the Coronavirus screening test provider and they have lived up to our expectations with high-quality screening, knowledge, dedication and flexibility in screening our employees. All in all, it took less than 12 hours from the initial contact until the first tests were performed.
We highly recommend Leymus Genomics to other companies.“
When it goes to delivering on the specifications, these state of the art PCR Instruments come with the highest recommendations from scientists. Some of the characteristics of the SensoQuest cyclers where it is a top performer :
“Reliability, ease of handling, reproducibility, performance”
The agreement covers sales to the the following countries:
Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Sweden and Finland.
Claremont Bio
Claremont bio
Claremont Biosolutions has developed a family of proprietary products for the ultra-fast mechanical lysis of cells, the extraction and purification of genomic DNA, and the cost-effective, real-time detection of amplified DNA sequences. Claremont BioSolutions has focused on developing products that combine speed with ease-of-use.
Claremont Biosolutions is also the inventor of The SimplePrep®:
SimplePrep® X8 is an all-in-one automated cell lysis and nucleic acid extraction instrument designed to rapidly isolate DNA or RNA from hard-to-lyse bacterial samples within complex sample matrices in only 6 minutes. Samples are rapidly lysed and subsequently purified in a true hands-free workflow without the need for tedious centrifuge steps or time-consuming incubation periods. The SimplePrep® X8 utilizes self-contained, disposable cartridges to rapidly extract nucleic acids from 1 to 8 samples all-at-once, providing high yields of PCR-ready nucleic acids even when high concentrations of PCR inhibitors are present.
The agreement covers sales to the the following countries:
Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Sweden and Germany

High Performance Secondary Analysis of Genomic Data: Parabricks provides 30-50 times faster secondary analysis of FASTQ files coming out of sequencers to VCF files that have the variants for tertiary analysis.
Parabricks accelerates existing GATK best practices to generate equivalent results as the baseline CPU-only solution.
Value propositions
- Secondary Analysis In An Hour Instead Of Days
- Accelerated Genomic Analysis
Technical notes and guidelines

GenomeScan was one of the first service labs in Europe and is a leader in DNA analysis from Sample to Bioinformatics:
- ISO/IEC 17025 (L518) accredited
- NGS platforms such as HiSeq 4000, HiSeq 2500, Nextseq 500, PacBio Sequel, Chromium
- Transcriptomics, Epigenetics, Single cell seq., WGS, WES
- R&D facility provides the most cutting-edge techniques
- Fast turnaround time when needed
Leymus Genomics will be your local partner in discussing the right approach for your next NGS project. We, in collaboration with Genomescan, provide full NGS service to the Nordic countries.
The projects are run in a technology and pipeline-agnostic manner.
We are ready to discuss your next NGS project.
Technical notes and guidelines
14 May 2020
CENTOGENE is a rare disease company focused on transforming clinical, genetic, and biochemical data into medical solutions for Patients. With headquarters in Rostock, Germany, and further operations in Berlin, Germany as well as Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, CENTOGENE is dedicated to transforming the science of genetic information into solutions and hope for patients with rare diseases and their families.
CENTOGENE provides the full spectrum of modern methods and technology for human genetics analysis; it is active in research and is constantly developing new and innovative products for human genetics.

NVIDIA is an American technology company incorporated in Delaware and based in Santa Clara, California. It designs graphics processing units (GPUs) for the gaming and professional markets, as well as system on a chip units (SoCs) for the mobile computing and automotive market.
Since 2014, Nvidia has diversified its business focusing on four markets – gaming, professional visualisation, data centers and auto. Nvidia is also now focused on artificial intelligence.
In addition to GPU manufacturing, Nvidia provides parallel processing capabilities to researchers and scientists that allow them to efficiently run high-performance applications. They are deployed in supercomputing sites around the world.
Fueled by the insatiable demand for better 3D graphics, and the massive scale of the gaming market, NVIDIA has evolved the GPU into a computer brain at the exciting intersection of virtual reality, high performance computing, and artificial intelligence.
DataDirect Networks, Inc. (DDN) is the world leader in large scale data storage for Life Sciences and Genomics.
Approximately half of all large genomics centers globally use DDN as their main data storage provider in sequencing applications, genomic pipelines and data collaboration solutions.
DDN is the world’s leading big data storage supplier to data-intensive, global organizations. For more than 18 years, DDN has developed, deployed and optimized systems, software and storage solutions that enable enterprises, service providers, research and government agencies to generate more value and to accelerate time to insight from their data, on premise and in the cloud. Organizations leverage the power of DDN storage technology and the deep technical expertise of its team to capture, store, analyze, collaborate and distribute information and content at the largest scale in the most efficient, reliable and cost-effective manner. DDN customers include many of the world’s leading healthcare and life science organizations, manufacturing and energy companies, government and research facilities, and web and cloud service providers.