Data storage and machine learning in the genomics era
Leymus Genomics’ Rasmus Brøndum is an invited speaker at the annual Big Data and AI event in Copenhagen on the 19th of November, hosted by Dansk Erhverv and IT Branchen, where he will give a presentation on data storage and machine learning in the genomics era.
Human whole genome sequencing is a cornerstone in the national precision medicine projects emerging in recent years. The sequencing of short reads of DNA has mainly been solved, so in the next decades three crucial questions must be answered: (1) How to store these massive amounts of data being generated every day from national and regional genomics lab, (2) What are the requirements to doing so, and (3) How do we analyse petabytes of genomic data?
- Data storage considerations for the pharmaceutical industry, clinical genomics labs, and national genome programs
- Amount of data generated and stored
- Data safety and storage performance
- Combinations of Cloud and on-site storage
- Meeting the needs for a very fast and secure 1.1 PB data storage solution at SciLife Clinical Genomics in Stockholm; the data requirements for a population-scale genomic project in Scotland
- Machine learning on petabytes of genomic data
Details are as follows:
Date: November 19
Time: Whole day event; Rasmus will be presenting at 10:40–11:15.
Location: Charlottehaven, Hjørringgade 12C, 2100, København Ø
Read more about the Big Data and AI event here
Learn more about Leymus’ partners in data storage here