Leymus Genomics is the exclusive supplier of GenomeScan services to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland.
GenomeScan was one of the first service labs in Europe and is a leader in DNA analysis from Sample to Bioinformatics:

  • ISO/IEC 17025 (L518) accredited
  • NGS platforms such as HiSeq 4000, HiSeq 2500, Nextseq 500,  PacBio Sequel, Chromium
  • Transcriptomics, Epigenetics, Single cell seq., WGS, WES
  • R&D facility provides the most cutting-edge techniques
  • Fast turnaround time when needed.

Leymus Genomics will be your local partner in discussing the right approach for your next NGS project. We in collaboration with Genomescan provide full NGS service for the Nordic countries.

The projects are run in a technology and pipeline agnostic manner.

