Partnership with DDN

Leymus Genomics and DDN are partners in large-scale data storage for genomics.

DDN stand for cutting-edge speed, scalability and flexibility in large-scale on-site data storage.

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Partnership with NVIDIA

Leymus genomics and NVIDIA are partners on accelerated Bioinformatics for WGS and beyond.

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NGS Clean-up with CleanNA

Same or better bead performance compared to best in test
Pricing around 50% lower versus largest supplier

"At DNASense we have shifted our NGS clean up to CleanNA beads, in our comparison tests they are performing as good as or better than other leading NGS Clean-up beads"

Mads Albertsen, Professor applied Bioinformatics, Aalborg University, Founding CEO DNASense

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    Covid-19 test

    Vi tilbyder test on-site for Covid-19, der sikrer den højeste tryghed

    • "on-site" test
    • Kun sundhedspersonale
    • Positive test: PCR test med det samme
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    og få mere information om produktet

    Leymus Genomics services

    Produkter og kits til NGS

    PCR workflows

    Corona/COVID-19 test